Wednesday, October 1, 2008

reading on "Modeling Wireless Links for Transport Protocols"

summary:this paper argues that because of the inaccurate modeling for the link layer, the studies on the transport layer have more or less problems. The authors briefly reviewed the different link characteristics, topologies , traffic pattern and performance metrics of cellular, WLAN and satellite networks. The paper lists all the aspect which should be taken consideration to model link layer and gives the methods to model them. At the end of the paper, the authors talked about some future work.
background: AQM
1, what is AQM? it looks like AQM is an very important concept. Did we talked about it before?
2, it is true that wireless links become one important part of the current Internet. Should we really make TCP work under such a mixed circumstance. I do think connection-split is a good idea although proved to be useless in Hari's paper.
3, is this paper the first one to talk about the cross-layer communication? What is the biggest problem to introduce the cross-layer communication mechanism to current network protocol stack?

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